Page name: kos mos fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-18 20:28:40
Last author: Zel Holt
Owner: shadow frost wolf
# of watchers: 4
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this fan base is a dedication to kos mos, xenosaga's most revered and destructive character!


1. [shadow frost wolf]
2. [Bobby Bro]
3. [~Spirit Fox~]


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2007-02-16 [Bobby Bro]: one pic? thats it?

2007-02-16 [Bobby Bro]: two pics...thats it?

2007-02-16 [shadow frost wolf]: i just sarted it four minutes ago!

2007-02-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: yay it's kos mos!

2007-02-18 [shadow frost wolf]: would she really be considered a weapon of mass destruction?

2007-02-18 [Bobby Bro]: yeah.

2007-02-18 [shadow frost wolf]: then down with bush and his hating!!!!

2007-02-18 [Bobby Bro]: Yep. He needs to talk to japan if he needs help with the war.

2007-02-18 [shadow frost wolf]: that'll teach everyone who doubts kos mos!!!

2007-02-19 [~Spirit Fox~]: New President, New President! Best day of the year!

2007-02-19 [shadow frost wolf]: does anyone have some blood i can borrow?

2007-05-07 [Bobby Bro]: Kos-mos!!! *even bigger fanboy dance*

2007-05-07 [shadow frost wolf]: whats a fanboy dance?

2007-05-07 [~Spirit Fox~]: i don't think we want to know...

2007-05-07 [shadow frost wolf]: perhaps......just a stroke of his whimsy....

2007-09-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: If it's ANYTHING like the fangirl dance.... be very very afraid..... of course if Kurama some how became real....yeah lets not get into the blood bath.

2007-09-07 [shadow frost wolf]: what where!? *gets poaching supplies*

2007-09-11 [Bobby Bro]: Drives knife deep in hand. "That insignificant waste of life Kurama, he shalt burn in hell for being such a pansy. His body will rot until he skeleton is left, and then i will rip off the skull, and toss it into the largest volcano."

2007-09-11 [shadow frost wolf]: well kuro, if you watched the show you'd know that kurama, when fully transformed, is strong enough to fight hiei on equal grounds. in fact, with the exception of how arrogant you act in comparison, he's alot like you ^^

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: What!@! no no no definetly not!

*drives sabishii into Kuro*

not on your life caita.

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "Your such a fool." grabs her and throws her to the ground.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: *rp?* "Now I'm the fool?" *She laughs at him. "Hah! Sabishii, you know nothing about this sword!"

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "Who cares about that pathetic sword? I certainly don't. It seems as though you are severley miscalculating my power."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "yup, as usual, besides aren't you doing the same thing?"

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "No. I know exactly where you stand on the scale of power... right next to Caita... at level zero."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Wow, your really pushing it. i don't like people who speak without thinking.", *where'd this come from?*

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "Well, I don't like people who think themselves strong when they are not."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "You and I have never fought, only when i was holding back so you really have no idea, and why'd you drag Caita into this?"

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "I can drag him into this, because for one, I have fought Caita... many times..."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "That's not what I ment and you know it."

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "In any case, I am confident in my skills."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "So are you taking me on?", *pulls Sabishii out with her crystal and shealths it.*

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: Cracks his knuckles and unsheathes his sword, Amaterasu.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: *great send me what it does later *story reasons**

"Okay, I wasn't aware you had a sword.", Pulls Kamikaze out, she then throws the sheath aside.* "I'm not prepared to lose, and remeber you blood tenichs don't affect me.", She goes into a stance unlike most sword stances.

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: He stands still, his silver hair blowing in the wind. His red eyes stare at her, his sword shining in the sun. "Ah, ins't she beautiful?" Refering to his sword.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Well, I still like mine better.", Kieta closes her eyes, when they finally open they are blood red, "Learning to change them is easy, but controling there powers, well, that's on a whole new level."

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "She moves like the wind, and burns like the sun..." He raises his free hand high into the air, and the suns rays directed onto the sword, surrounding them in darkness.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Darkness!", kieta becomes excited. She unsheaths Sabishii as well. Kurayami come out! A small dog, like shadow, comes out of the sword and sits before Kieta. "Kurayami, go find shadow and unlease the swords seal so i can use it without limitation."

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: He claps silently.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "what was the clap for I haven't done anything toward you, yet."

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: "For accepting the darkness we are all fated to dwell in."

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Oh that, well sabishii is a darkness sword."

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: He drops his sword behind him, and since there is no more light, he disappears into the blackness.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta sighs, "Kurayami, I don't fell like playing hide n' seek so pull him out of the darkness for me...", kurayami does as she asks then runs off through the darkness in search of Shadow, "Now then, your not using your sword? Oh what a pity.", Kieta places Kamikaze in it's sheath and runs after Kuro with Sabishii.

2007-09-12 [Bobby Bro]: He smiles, running silently, as not to alert her to his presence. He thinks to himself, then screams as loud as a banshee, and sends out waves of electrical flames in every direction.

2007-09-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Great... so now I must dodge fire and lightning...", Kieta hops into another dimension and waits for the waves to subside, once they do she pursues Kuro again.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: "Ooh, a drifter." Kuro stops and runs silently again.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "A drifter?", She tries to pinpoint him in the darkness, "I don't care what you say, I'm going to defeat you.", Kieta sends a blast of darkness at Kuro.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: "You really have no idea, do you?" The darkness hit him, but to no prevail. "Thanks to Caita's darkness, and me allowing it to converge in me... I am in a way, impervious, since I've felt the purest darkness."

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I know, that wasn't why I did that, you'll find out soon enough.", Kieta sheaths Sabishii and calls Kamikaze, "I didn't want to use kamikaze, but since your not attacking much I will." She throws Kamikaze at Kuro, her crystal still attached.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: The sword passes through him, and his body bursts into blood. From behind her, he slams his knee into the back of her head, and jumps high into the air, back into the darkness.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Ouch! Well I should have watched where you were going, your still holding back.", kieta jumps into the darkness and finds Kuro and draws Sabishii. She swings Kamikaze causing the darkness to be swallowed by Sabishii, "Kamikaze, the wind and light sword. Sabishii, divine darkness, it is the darkness itself.", Kamikaze's sheath sends a cyclone after Kuro.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: "Too bad it won't work!" Kuro moves back and raises both his hands. A large gust of wind comes from behind and slams into the cyclone, then Kuro smiles, and fills the area around him with lightning.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "The sheath reacts on it's own.", Kamikaze's sheath independantly repells the lightning in the room from Kieta, "Lightning, come on now Kuro, you'er still playing."

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: "I know. It's so fun... but if we must get serious..." His sword flies into his hand, and transforms into a large scythe.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Oh so this was for fun? Well you shouldn't have made fun of Kurama.", Kuro can feel the blood cells in his body being swallowed.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: He giggles, and swings his scythe, ripping the floor beneath them into the air, sending the chunks at her.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta takes flight, "Wow, and your not bothered?", She swings Kamikaze and sends cyclones to destroy the boulders. Kieta disappears and reappears behind Kuro. She punches him in the back sendig him flying for afew feet. "And no that wasn't my strongest punch.", More blood cells are consumed.

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: He still smiles, and turns around quickly. "Remember, i can't die until all of my cells are destroyed... the cells within my children... my brothers... my father..."

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I know that, but I have a method.", Still think plants are useless, *She sends darkness into Caita.* *kuro's blood Cells begin to fade.*

2007-09-13 [Bobby Bro]: "You know... it's going to be pretty hard to kill me... with my three other brothers who live in a different dimension, my two sisters, my mother... and my forty or so children... Sorry." He lands softly on the ground, and looks at her. "Aksh Isha Kilmishtre." The ground begans to shake, and blood shoots from the ground like a geyser.

2007-09-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "One who says i'm going to kill you and two, i can get from dimention to dimention very easily.", Kieta blocks the blood with her crystal and fills in the cracks, "I'm not that stupid.", She shoots arrows made of crystal, they pass Kuro.

2007-09-14 [shadow frost wolf]: "This looks rather interesting...." Caita said, floating in mid air over kieta.

2007-09-14 [Bobby Bro]: He opens his hand and starts to absorb the blood, changing the DNA inside to his own.

2007-09-16 [shadow frost wolf]: "Kieta, why are you toying with him like this?"

2007-09-16 [Bobby Bro]: "God, this fight is boring me." He starts to run for her.

2007-09-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Toying, you mean you can't tell? I can't fight anyone with my full strength weather it be in combat or a video game.", Kieta sends a wave of fire at Kuro's face, "What boring/fun."

2007-09-18 [Bobby Bro]: Kuro jumps over the wave and drags forward, slamming his fist into her face hard.

2007-09-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Well if you want things that way...", Kieta uses her a fox illusion and slips up on Kuro. She grabs him by the neck and slams him head into the nearest building, "Bent on breaking my face?"

2007-09-18 [Bobby Bro]: he grabs her arms and throws her over head, slamming her into the building. He let go of her arms and floated backwards.

2007-09-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: Standing up, "So no combos? No barage of attacks? Well, I hope you don't expect me to be like that.", She rushes him kicking him into the air then jumps up behind him and slams her knees into his back bringing him down into the earth. A large crater is fourmed from the impact. Kieta swiftly grabs Kuro's foot and slings him into another building. The building colapses as he flies through it smacking into the one behind it.

2007-09-18 [Bobby Bro]: "Good, you have spunk." He rolls into a standing postition, then runs toward her, grabbing her entire head and slamming it into the ground, dragging it across the hot ground, then throwing her into the air, and he follows her with a barrage of kicks and punches, then finishes it with a punch to the neck, sending her to the ground.

2007-09-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Once again, face much", She stands back up, "I'm sick of this already.", Kieta runs at Kuro slaming Kamikaze into the ground and kicking Kuro across the ground. As his face slides across the ground Kieta borrows his body hanging on to him until he slides fully into a rock. She jumps away from him and blasts him with fire. Once the fire stops she opens he wings back out and calmly waits.

2007-09-18 [Bobby Bro]: "Hehehehahahahaha... "He stands up, his eyes burning with rage and hate. His voice now lowered, his teeth growing into fangs.

2007-09-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Oh so you didn't hate me before? Well, I'll have to try harder now won't I?"

2007-09-19 [shadow frost wolf]: "Go kieta!!!"

2007-09-19 [Bobby Bro]: He walks toward her, the ground around him breaking and sinking into oblivion. "Die... and take all that you care about with you." He pounces on her, grabbing her neck with both hands. He smiles and continously slams his knees into her chest, and after a few minutes of that, he lets go of her neck and jumps off her, grabbing her arms and spinning her around as fast he can. He lets go of her arms, throwing her high into the air, and he jumps up after her grabbing her legs and throwing her with full force back to the ground, on which as soon as she hit the ground, Kuro landed hard atop her, and thrusted his arm through her stomach.

2007-09-20 [~Spirit Fox~]: Grabbing Kuro by the throat, "Won't be the first time I've been ran through. Of course you see alittle upset, did it bother you?, Or is it something else?", She pulls his arm out and slips another seed into her stomach, it begins to close, "Well, I guess you really do hate me now, don't you? Fine, that will make things soo much easier.", She slams him around then runs Kamikaze through his chest, "I don't think removing you heart or brain will kill you, so...", letting go of his throat, she twists Kamikaze relasing the light into Kuro's body. "Rumor has it that light cancels out dark, is that true?"

2007-09-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "Incorrect kieta! infact, the two cannot survive alone..."

2007-09-21 [Bobby Bro]: "But, you fool.... as long as my blood survives.... then, well, I can't die."

2007-09-23 [shadow frost wolf]: "True..."

2007-09-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Morons cancels out in other word both are destroied. You see I want the light out of the Kamikaze so I guess the only way, aside from sealing it, is to destroy it."

2007-09-25 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita jumped up. "I'll help!!"

2007-09-25 [Bobby Bro]: "You are all fools... but, I look good right?" Shows off his American Eagle shirt.

2007-09-27 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita gasped and stepped back. "Get away!!!" He rushed upto kuro and kicked him into a wall.

2007-09-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: *Walking away in a starstruck daze*, other manners call me, I have no time to deal with a child, Kuro, *She gathers her swords and slips away into another uncharted dimension.*

Telepathy: (truth is: I'm bored of you.)

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: and Kuro is the winner!!! ^^

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: "Only by forfeit..."

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: "But a loss none the less!" XD

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: "I know..." *looks around*

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita floats up high in the sky. "I feel good..."

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: Aura looks up at him. "I guess..I feel a little better.."

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: "Friday makes me happy..."

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: "Because ti's the weekend..." She sprouts her wings and floats up to him.

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita lightly ploped down on a cloud. "Naturally."

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: Aura chuckled lightly. "Guess I've had a long weekend.."

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: "It just started." Caita laughed.

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: "I've not been in school since monday, love..." She smiled some. "Long weekend.."

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: "No, just an empty week." Caita chuckled.

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: "Empty is right..." Aura stuck her tongue out at him.

2007-09-29 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita laughed and layed back. "Well, i WENT to school, soo...."

2007-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: " I got sick early...then I had the huge depression stage...which I'm still not completely over...buut...I'm working on it..." Aura just continued to float in the air.

2007-09-30 [shadow frost wolf]: "Awwwww..." Caita made a sad face.

2007-09-30 [EnigmaXero]: Aura smirked slightly and flipped so she was floating upside down, looking down at the ground. "Everything's upside down.."

2007-10-01 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita laughed a little. "I wonder why....."

2007-10-01 [EnigmaXero]: Aura flew around for a minute before flying up under the cloud, poking her head through it looking at him. "Nope!"

2007-10-02 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita leaped up before falling off the cloud. "Meep!!!"

2007-10-02 [EnigmaXero]: O_o' Aura caught him and laughed.

2007-10-02 [shadow frost wolf]: "OMG I meeped....."

2007-10-02 [EnigmaXero]: "Hmm...that you ddid..." She hugged him tightly.

2007-10-02 [shadow frost wolf]: He laughed and hugged her back. "I notice we seem to distract people when we RP."

2007-10-02 [EnigmaXero]: "I've noticed that too..." SHe blinked. "I just never said anything..." XDDDD

2007-10-02 [shadow frost wolf]: "Well i guess we own the place now!" XD

2007-10-02 [EnigmaXero]: "Well, it is your wiki..." XD

2007-10-02 [shadow frost wolf]: oh yeah, i forgot XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

2007-10-03 [EnigmaXero]: one. XDDD

2007-10-07 [shadow frost wolf]: yes you are ^^

2007-10-07 [EnigmaXero]: Nope...I'm not...

2007-10-07 [shadow frost wolf]: yuh huh! ^^

2007-10-07 [EnigmaXero]: Nope...XD

2007-10-07 [shadow frost wolf]: Yes!!!!!!!! XD

2007-10-07 [EnigmaXero]: *glomps* Nu! XD

2007-10-08 [shadow frost wolf]: smarter than the average ninja ^_^

2007-10-08 [EnigmaXero]: I'm not...well, I could be...-.- win once more. XP

2007-10-08 [shadow frost wolf]: I wanna be a ninja like Aura!! ^^

2007-10-08 [EnigmaXero]: I'm not a ninja! XD

2007-10-13 [shadow frost wolf]: yeah you are ^^

2007-10-13 [EnigmaXero]: ....Fine...XD I am a ninja...o.o...that laughs completely odd...

2007-10-15 [shadow frost wolf]: really?? ^^

2007-10-15 [EnigmaXero]: I do...seriously..o.o...T.T'

2007-10-15 [shadow frost wolf]: na uh ^^

2007-10-15 [EnigmaXero]: Yeah haven't heard the bad parts. xD

2007-10-18 [shadow frost wolf]: oh really? ^^

2007-10-18 [EnigmaXero]: XDD's horrible..o.o

2007-10-18 [shadow frost wolf]: your laugh?

2007-10-18 [EnigmaXero]: Yes...

2007-10-19 [shadow frost wolf]: no its not ^^

2007-10-19 [EnigmaXero]: Yes, it is..XD Well....when I get to laughing and I can't stop, then you'd swear I'm crying.

2007-10-19 [shadow frost wolf]: everyone sounds like that XD

2007-10-19 [EnigmaXero]: No...Seriously...people ask me if I'm laughing or crying. heck, my mom even does...and then cracks up laughing.

2007-10-19 [shadow frost wolf]: it is possible to laugh to tears you know ^^

2007-10-19 [EnigmaXero]: I know, I do it a lot. XD

2007-10-26 [shadow frost wolf]: me too XD

2007-10-26 [EnigmaXero]: Here lately, that's not hard to believe. XDD

2007-10-26 [shadow frost wolf]: you end up making me laugh alot ^_^

2007-10-27 [EnigmaXero]: At least I ..guess I'm good at something, then..

2007-10-27 [shadow frost wolf]: your good at plenty of stuff ^_^

2007-10-27 [EnigmaXero]: Really what?

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: making me happy ^^

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: ^.^

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: its true! ^^

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: I'll believe that one.

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: still need proof? ^^

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: I don't know...
Right now I feel like a huge hit to the back of the head to actually get my senses together. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me..

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: your hungry ^^

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: and probably sleepy..o.o You keeping me up all night. XDDD I'm just kidding.

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: i know, but i never feel like going to bed, and neither do you! XD

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: This'll be interesting when we actually do meet. XDD

2007-10-28 [shadow frost wolf]: i know! XD 2 night owls

2007-10-28 [EnigmaXero]: I think your dad would kill us. XDDD

2007-10-29 [shadow frost wolf]: not if were quiet, or we find an apartment ^^

2007-10-29 [EnigmaXero]: Hmm...^//^ Quiet is a good really don't have to worry about me being loud..o.o Usually. XD

2007-10-29 [shadow frost wolf]: but i like the apartment idea more! ^^

2007-10-29 [EnigmaXero]: I was getting there, love. XDDD! I like that idea more, too.

2007-10-29 [shadow frost wolf]: cause then we can be as maliciously loud as neccersary! XD

2007-10-29 [EnigmaXero]: o////////////o XDDDD!! Well, it's true, huh? xDDD

2007-10-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: pokes Caita and Aura.

2007-10-29 [EnigmaXero]: Ish poked. "Owweh.."

2007-10-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: RAWR!

2007-10-29 [EnigmaXero]: *falls over* Aiyee!! O.o

2007-10-30 [shadow frost wolf]: Hey Kieta thats my job!!! ^_^

2007-10-30 [EnigmaXero]: <.< >.>'' really?

2007-10-31 [shadow frost wolf]: Yes! ^^

2007-10-31 [EnigmaXero]: XD! okay.

2007-11-04 [shadow frost wolf]: Whee!!!!!!!!

2007-11-07 [EnigmaXero]: *glomps*

2007-11-07 [shadow frost wolf]: *uber glomps*

2007-11-07 [EnigmaXero]: *falls over* MIIIIIIIINe!!

2007-11-07 [shadow frost wolf]: *huggles* yes you are! ^_^

2007-11-07 [EnigmaXero]: *huggles back and munches* Yummeh. ^^ XDD

2007-11-10 [shadow frost wolf]: mew! that tickles! XD

2007-11-10 [EnigmaXero]: *smiles and keeps munching* Does it really? ^^

2007-11-10 [shadow frost wolf]: biting feels funny XD *squirms*

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